The most important part of the national project will be the creation of a sustainable system for solid municipal waste management. By 2030, the country will have 100% waste sorting, and the amount of waste sent to landfills will be halved.
More than a third of all household waste is to be sent for recycling. Special facilities will be set up across the country to turn ordinary waste into raw materials needed by the economy.
How it time ?
To establish an efficient waste management infrastructure it is important not only to set up recycling and waste processing plants but also to organize separate waste collection by citizens. Through conscious recycling and living on the principle of zero waste, a sustainable future can be created.
Through proper waste separation, more materials can be reused in the economic cycle. Some raw materials can be recycled up to seven times!
A map with information about the nearest separate waste collection points will be created in the future. This will enable everyone in the region to quickly find out where they can dispose of glass, paper and batteries (batteries and cables) within walking distance.
Why do I need to sort my rubbish at home?
Without separate waste collection, recycling is difficult to achieve. Separate collection is the basis for the major changes that have begun in the waste management industry. By 2024, as part of the National Ecology Project, it is planned to reclaim land plots under 191 unauthorised landfill sites (technical reclamation and initial replanting of vegetation) and dispose of at least 88 of the most hazardous objects of accumulated harm. More than a third of all household waste will have to be sent for recycling. So, plastic and other non-recyclable waste should be properly disposed of today, and the increase in the number of special containers for waste sorting in cities contributes to this.
Solid waste management system information
The intensive development of scientific and technological progress and the rapid growth of the population over the last century has led to the accumulation of a huge amount of unused waste in the world.
According to GOST 30772-2001, waste is the remainder of products or an additional product generated during or after a certain activity and not used in direct connection with this activity. Under a certain activity is understood production, research and other activities, including - the consumption of products.
In our time, mankind has reached the limit beyond which further uncontrolled waste generation will lead to irreversible changes associated with environmental pollution and violation of the stability of the biosphere. Since natural mechanisms do not have time to neutralize the large masses of waste rapidly entering the biosphere, there is a threat of significant deterioration of the environment (atmosphere, soil, surface and ground water).
In Europe, as well as in many other countries, the solution of the problem of effective waste management is becoming one of the priorities for the development of cities and entire regions.
Therefore, the problem of waste management has acquired the global character and has taken one of the important places among ecological and nature protection problems of the planet.
The concept "waste management" covers both the organization of waste management (including collection, transportation, recycling, burial of waste), and measures on prevention and reduction of waste formation on the basis of organizational, normative-legal, legislative, economic, educational-informational and other approaches.
Waste management system is a set of measures for the collection, transportation, recycling, reuse or disposal of waste and control of the entire process. The term usually refers to waste that is the result of human activity.
The waste management hierarchy is based on the principles of:
- 1) recycling strong waste;
- 2) recycling of strategies developed to minimize waste;
- 3) recycling, which is the basis for the classification .
When solving the problem of waste management, we should proceed from the fact that human waste has two fundamentally different properties.
On the one hand, wastes are a source of negative influence on the person and the natural environment, on the other hand, they are a source of secondary material and raw material, fuel and energy resources. In this connection, in order to provide effective waste management, it is necessary to simultaneously achieve two main goals:
- 1) minimizing the environmental hazard at all stages of waste management;
- 2) maximizing the use of waste as an alternative source of energy and raw materials.
Thus, an effectively organized waste management system will not only minimize the negative impact of waste on public health and the environment, but also partially solve the problem of depletion of natural resources.
However, the goals set cannot be achieved by simply tightening environmental standards or by choosing the "right" technologies and their combinations. It is enough to cite the definition of the term "waste management system" to understand the complexity and variety of the tasks connected with the processes of waste disposal [2]
The system of waste management can be defined as a part of the general system of administrative management which includes the organizational structure, planning activity, duties and responsibilities, practical actions, methods, procedures, processes and resources necessary for formation, introduction, achievement, analysis and optimization of the policy in the field of waste management [3].
In the developed countries, waste management is considered as a complex science, directing its efforts, first of all, on reduction of the quantity of the generated waste and its maximum possible utilization.
When considering the management system, three interrelated components can be distinguished [3]:
- 1) the producer (owner of the waste), which must gain economic benefit from its use;
- 2) the environment, the sustainability of which should not be disturbed by waste generation and management;
- 3) society, which should not suffer from the neighborhood of waste generation, processing or disposal facilities. The scheme of relations between the waste management system and its "consumers" is shown in Figure 1.
Thus, it is necessary to create a system of complex waste management (CWMS). It is assumed that management includes order in the formation and management of waste, as well as the involvement of the population to participate in the separate collection of consumption waste.
The CMA system should track, monitor and manage all actions with waste, from the moment of its formation to the moment of recycling or disposal.
The waste management system should be built on the known principles of the hierarchy of priorities for CWA (Figure 2), legally enshrined in the framework of European and international law. The hierarchy as a way of construction and organization of complex systems shows how and in what sequence to act.
According to the generally accepted hierarchy of CRE the basic directions of the solution of the problem of waste management and their priority are established:
At the very top of the hierarchy of priorities is the prevention or reduction of waste production and its hazards.
Reducing the amount and hazardous properties of the generated waste makes it much easier to dispose of it. Primary waste reduction is achieved by improving production technologies and reorienting producers and consumers toward actions that produce less waste (designing products with recycling in mind, using reusable (durable) items, avoiding unnecessary packaging, etc.).
If waste generation cannot be prevented, the waste must be reused and/or recycled to produce new materials, raw materials and products. At the same time, the principle of minimal damage to the environment should be preserved: if the waste passes into the category of secondary raw materials, such raw materials should not pose a danger to the environment.
To minimize the environmental hazard of waste, methods of neutralization are used or the impossibility of reuse of individual components of waste is ensured.
Waste that cannot be reused and recycled (including composting) can be used as secondary energy resources. Incineration of waste allows not only to reduce its volume as much as possible, thermally neutralize dangerous components, but also effectively produce heat energy utilization [4].
Only after the methods of using waste as a resource in the production of secondary materials and energy have been exhausted, the residual waste is removed for disposal in a landfill in compliance with all environmental protection measures.
A prerequisite for minimizing waste streams going to landfills should be the initial separate collection of waste or the actual removal of resource-valuable fractions from the mixed waste. It is important to separate waste as close as possible to the source of its formation by separating waste streams with different content of useful components.
In the world practice there are 2 variants of the approach to the secondary use of waste [2]:
- 1) waste is treated in regulations as equally good for mixed solid waste.
- 2) waste is treated as a resource, setting minimum recycling targets.
The European Commission has identified several specific waste streams that should be given special attention in order to reduce their overall environmental impact. Accordingly, directives have been adopted for the following areas:
- 1) packaging waste;
- 2) used automobiles;
- 3) spent batteries, accumulators and other current sources;
- 4) Waste electrical and electronic equipment.
Specifics of waste management in large European cities
Improvement of municipal waste management systems is recognized today as the main task in the field of environmental protection. More and more attention is being paid to optimization of municipal waste management systems according to the criteria of ecological hazard and resource saving. This approach ensures the improvement of the environmental condition of urban areas and reduces the unit costs for sanitary cleaning of the city.
In megacities with the population of one million and more people city authorities create systems of management of the waste which belong to systems of municipal management in the field of life support of a city [5].
The municipal waste management system is considered as a city-forming functional system, connected with all sides of city life activities. When developing such systems, it is necessary to take into account various aspects of both the authorities and economic entities: environmental, resource-saving, economic, technical, financial, legal, social, organizational and political.
As noted above, to solve the problems of effective management of urban waste, the paramount importance is given to the creation of management systems, built on the principles of a generally accepted hierarchy of priorities of CWA. Completeness of realization of the established order of actions with wastes in different cities is determined by the specific local conditions.
Taking into account the complexity and multidimensionality of the considered problem, it is advisable to develop the concept of waste management in relation to the given city at the beginning of the construction of CWA.
Modern tendencies, characteristic for the developed countries, are connected with the fact that organizational and social aspects of the concept of CWA imply the prevention of complete and uncontrolled transfer of the problem solution into the hands of only specialized departments of the city administration. Involvement of public organizations, the population, elected bodies, involving environmental managers, and not only engineering employees is assumed in this work
The economic aspect of MSW management is based on the "polluter pays" principle. The essence of the principle is that the producer of waste is responsible for it throughout their "life cycle", paying for disposal (burial) and environmental payments for the negative impact on the environment.
The formation of the municipal waste management concept, focused primarily on the sanitary purification of the city from domestic and industrial waste, should include a number of obligatory stages. These include:
- 1) analysis of the current waste management situation;
- 2) development of organizational measures;
- 3) development of technical measures;
- 4) development of the scheme of financing of creation and operation of the waste management system.
Besides, the concept should provide the use of the following main methods of management: organizational and managerial, normative and legal, economic, social, technical and information.
It is important to note that the biggest problem for the authorities and services of the city economy is MSW, since they are the final waste of any human activity and are formed throughout the city (in the residential and nonresidential sectors), and their number is constantly increasing.
For the most effective step-by-step solution to the problem of MSW management of municipalities in terms of environmental safety and resource conservation. The general strategic direction to solve the problem is the gradual (phased) involvement of MSW in recycling at the lowest cost and without negative environmental impacts.
The optimized system of complex MSW management in municipalities already at the stage of resource saving allows reducing the amount of waste by 35-40% (by mass).
Environmental and social aspects of solving the problem are associated with the improvement of the environment of urban areas and the creation of new jobs.
The process of recycling MSW in Europe is complicated by the fact that there is no preliminary sorting of waste, there is no organized system of transportation of waste to the places of its processing, the technology of waste processing is not safe for human health and the environment. To simplify the recycling process, attention should be paid to sorting waste while it is still being collected [8].
Preference should be given to fractional collection, since the system of separate component-by-component collection has significant disadvantages:
- 1) inconvenience for the population, increased discomfort (5-6 containers for piece-by-piece collection, in the case of fractional collection only two containers are needed);
- 2) the cumbersomeness of the system (special transport for each type of secondary resources is required);
- 3) higher operating costs.
The purpose of MSW separation follows from the definition of this process. MSW separation, similarly to enrichment of other raw materials, is a set of processes of primary treatment of raw materials in order to extract valuable components, removal of hazardous and ballast components, separation of waste fractions (semi-products) with optimal composition for processing by one or another method.
The scope of manual sorting is limited to the sorting of secondary resources and large lumpy fractions of MSW, in other cases mechanized sorting is applied (in the conditions of factory practice).
The main advantage of MSW separation as a technogenic raw material is that it has a direct environmental value, because the yield of "tails" of separation is always less than the mass of the original raw material, and the composition of waste for subsequent processing is optimized in terms of homogenization. Combustibility, reducing the content of hazardous and ballast components, etc., which increases the environmental safety of industrial processing of MSW.
The application of MSW separation before heat and bio-treatment of wastes allows to remove metal components, spent electric batteries and accumulators, some kinds of synthetic materials, which reduces the emissions of mercury and arsenic by 70-75%, lead by 40%, while the efficiency of incineration and fermentation of MSW increases, and the composition of processed products and wastes is improved. Economic efficiency of the primary sorting as a preparatory operation in the process of complex processing of MSW is connected with the fact that by redistributing material flows of waste (in particular, due to the separation of semi-products - combustible and biodegradable fractions), sorting reduces the need for expensive thermal and biothermal equipment by 1.5-2 times. At the same time the capital cost of sorting itself does not exceed 10-15% of the cost of thermal and biotreatment. Separation of MSW mainly uses air as a separation medium ("dry processes"), much less often - water ("wet processes").
The most acceptable are "dry processes" of sorting. Their advantages are absence of water and contaminated wastewater, absence of a sharp unpleasant odor, cost-effectiveness of transportation of separated waste fractions (semi-products) over long distances.
Low technological and economic indicators of MSW sorting in Europe are explained not by shortcomings of the process, but by unprofessionalism of people who do it. The efficiency of sorting (especially manual sorting) largely depends on the organization of work at the stage of MSW collection and transportation.
To date, there is no consensus on which MSW processing technology is the most rational. Thus, the technology of separate collection of resource-valuable fractions of MSW: glass, waste paper, plastic and metal bottles and cans, food waste has developed significantly in the world. The sorted waste from the containers is easily recycled.
We can distinguish the following types of waste within the MSW:
- secondary material resources;
- biodegradable (organic) waste;
- non-recyclable waste.
In terms of profitability of recycling the first group of MSW is the most profitable.
Among secondary material resources we can distinguish four groups:
- 1) highly liquid - industrial waste generated in the form of by-products: scrap of ferrous and nonferrous metals, high-quality grades of waste paper, clean production textile, polymer waste, glass scrap, etc;
- 2) medium-liquid - waste paper containing cardboard, mixed waste paper, polymers with extraneous inclusions, consumption waste in the form of products, etc;
- 3) low-liquid - moisture-resistant wastes of paper and cardboard, mixed polymers, fluff in the textile industry, highly contaminated wastes of glass scrap, etc;
- 4) illiquid - laminated paper, multilayer polymer packaging, cardboard and paper packaging from meat, poultry, fish, packaging from toxic products, etc.
A significant amount of MSW consists of recyclable metals, paper and cardboard, and plastics. The potential of MSW recycling is very high, but the actual percentage of recycling is very low. The main difficulty on the way to MSW recycling is lack of separate waste collection system.
The structure of the market for MSW management can be represented as interrelated groups:
- 1) Waste suppliers are the population and/or enterprises generating waste; waste removal companies; waste collection points and/or landfills; waste sorting companies.
- 2)Waste processors are waste processing plants, producers of final products from recyclable materials; independent recyclers.
Consumers of waste are producers of final products from recyclable materials.
Waste incineration is a fairly common method of waste neutralization around the world. This method is widely used in countries with temperate climates and few windy days per year, which include Russia.
In many European countries thermal decontamination - one of the main ways of waste disposal, because the laws prohibit the disposal of waste in landfills containing more than 5% of organic substances.
That's why in recent years in the EU countries, the USA and Japan there is a general trend to increase the construction of new and reconstruction of existing waste incineration plants with heat and (or) electricity generation, i.e. power plants on alternative fuels - MSW. However, if these plants are not equipped with a powerful gas purification system, there is serious atmospheric pollution [9].
Thermal methods are used to process municipal solid waste, since MSW contains up to 80% of organic substances.
Thermal processing of waste is a set of processes of thermal (fire) impact on waste to reduce its mass and volume, decontamination, as well as obtaining energy carriers (in the form of gas, steam, organic liquid, solid carbonaceous residue) and inert materials (with possible utilization). Important advantages of modern methods of thermal processing are reducing the volume of waste by 10 times, effective decontamination of waste (destruction of pathogenic microflora), and associated use of the energy potential of organic waste.
In practice, different processes of thermal processing of waste are used: incineration, gasification, pyrolysis, hydrogenation, plasma treatment, as well as a combination of these processes. Of the various methods of thermal treatment of MSW, the most common is incineration: layer (at 900-1000 ° C) and less common - in a fluidized bed (at 850-950 ° C).
The use of plasma technologies, which provide a temperature above the melting point of slag, is promising, which makes it possible to obtain a harmless vitrified product.
The main advantages of incineration as a process of MSW thermal processing are a high level of technology validation (in the leading EU countries about 30% of MSW is incinerated), serially produced equipment, high warranty period (reliability of traditional combustion systems is confirmed by many years of practice of operation of numerous plants, including very large), high level of automation.
The main trend of waste incineration development is the transition from direct incineration of MSW to optimized combustion of combustible (fuel) fraction separated from MSW and the transition from incineration as a process of MSW elimination to incineration as a process that provides additional heat and electric energy production. For energy use the waste can be considered as a non-conventional fuel.
At the same time incineration should be assessed primarily as a method of waste processing, rather than a method of energy production, i.e. the conditions that are optimal for reducing the environmental hazard of the technology rather than for achieving the maximum possible energy production should be considered a priority [10].
It should be taken into account that incineration of the entire mass of unprepared, unsorted MSW is the most costly and environmentally hazardous option of the technological solution. Let's note the main disadvantages of MSW incineration (which are not always taken into account), inherent to the technology itself:
- large volume of oxygen-depleted waste gases (5 - 6 thousand m3/t of incinerated waste, oxygen content - no more than 8%, density - 1.5 times higher than the density of air);
- no gas treatment can correct this deficiency;
- formation of greenhouse gases creating (according to the official version) the so-called "greenhouse effect"; gas purification cannot remedy the situation;
- formation in the process of combustion of very toxic compounds (dioxins, furans, chlorides and bromides of metals, etc.), polluting flue gases, which requires application of very expensive gas purification (to reduce concentration of harmful substances to the established standards; "zero" emissions are not yet achieved, which naturally leads to accumulation of harmful substances in the environment).
Worthy of attention is such a method of MSW processing as pyrolysis - removal of waste to landfills, storage of waste in pits. Thermal method of waste decomposition in the lack or absence of oxygen, during which complex substances are broken down into simpler ones with the formation of three types of products: gas, tar and solid carbon-containing compounds (pyrocarbon) [11].
The problem is that most waste contains phosphorus, chlorine and sulfur. Sulfur and phosphorus in oxidized form are volatile and harmful to the environment. Chlorine reacts actively with organic pyrolysis products to form persistent poisonous compounds (e.g., dioxins).
Capturing these compounds from the smoke is not a cheap process and has its own difficulties. The problem of recycling used automobile tires and obsolete rubber products is of great ecological and economic importance for all developed countries of the world. And the irreplaceability of natural oil raw materials dictates the need to use recycled resources with maximum efficiency.
Tires and polymers are valuable raw materials; their processing by low-temperature pyrolysis (up to 500°С) produces liquid hydrocarbon fractions (synthetic oil), carbonaceous residue (carbon black), metal cord and combustible gas.
At the same time if you burn 1 ton of tires you will emit 270 kg of soot and 450 kg of toxic gases.
Advantages of pyrolysis units:
- Practically complete utilization of material and energy resources of MSW and energy autonomy of the entire technological cycle is achieved.
- As the thermal decomposition occurs without air access, there are no conditions for the formation of such toxic compounds as dioxin, furan, benzapyrene etc.
- Closed circuit, compactness of equipment and environmental cleanliness determine the possibility of locating such an enterprise within the boundaries of any city.
- Given that the mineral component of MSW - environmentally friendly and after heat treatment slag - can be used for road works, this technology can be classified as completely waste-free.
- These installations allow to get profit from the sales of products (steam, electricity), unlike today's industries, where the operating costs significantly exceed the income from sales, and the profitability of enterprises is based on payments from the population for waste recycling.
For pyrolysis units there is no need to build capital structures and high chimneys. The units can be installed under the roof or in the light type hangars on the concrete base.
Waste, including the biomass they contain, should be considered a priority renewable energy source. Therefore, along with the incineration of garbage, the method of neutralizing household waste through biological processing to produce compost and biofuel has become relevant. Unfortunately, in Europe this method is not as widely used as we would like it to be.
Composting is a technology of processing the organic part of MSW by decomposition. Composting results in a useful product for the soil - compost, which can increase soil fertility.
Composting technology includes the following stages of processing the organic part of the waste [12]:
- removal of waste to specially equipped areas;
- moistening of the waste;
- forced activation of MSW mass with carbon dioxide;
- mechanized aerobic processing of waste into compost.
Today much attention is paid to the processing of food waste, field waste, vegetation residues, gardening waste, household solid waste by composting. First, the removal of municipal solid waste (MSW) to special sites, and then composting is carried out by one of two methods:
1) microbiological technology of MSW disposal is based on the decomposition of the organic part of MSW and its transformation into humus;
- Vermicomposting - processing of the organic part of the waste into humus using earthworms.
- Despite the significant benefit of this method of waste processing, it is unprofitable.
- The cost of transporting and processing waste exceeds the income from the sale of compost.
- The development of composting requires financial support from the state.
In our country, according to various sources, the cheapest and most common method of waste disposal is waste removal and landfill disposal. However, the vast majority of dumps and landfills, as a rule, do not meet the environmental requirements, which leads to irreversible processes of local environmental pollution.
In Europe, most landfills and landfills are overcrowded. Landfills are repositories for wastes of various genesis and composition. Many landfills co-dispose of household, industrial, construction waste and even sludge. The creation of landfills is associated with a set of serious environmental problems. First of all, in the area where landfills are located the natural landscape is disturbed, all components of the environment (ground and surface water, soil, vegetation, bottom sediments, atmospheric air) near landfills experience various negative impacts. In addition, considerable land areas are withdrawn from economic turnover. In a number of cases the negative impact on the environment leads to its degradation and sometimes to the restructuring of the ecosystem [13].
Most landfills are organized near settlements and waterways without taking into account the geological and hydrogeological structure of the site and the features of engineering and geological conditions, as well as without engineering measures for the arrangement of pits for waste reception.
It should be taken into account that in the body of the landfill under the influence of external and internal factors there are bio- and geochemical reactions with the release of heat and the formation of new substances in solid, liquid and gaseous states. Liquid and solid substances in dissolved and suspended forms are released in the form of leachate, exceeding the amount of gaseous substances emitted into the atmosphere. Besides leachate, landfill gas consisting of methane, ammonia, etc., which is a source of permanent fires in landfills, which, in turn, secondary pollute the atmosphere, is constantly released into the atmosphere from the landfill body. In addition, methane is a greenhouse gas that contributes to the destruction of the ozone layer. Filtrate and biogas are the main pollutants in the environment.
Over a long period of time there is a constant removal of substances beyond the boundaries of the landfill and the formation of halos of pollution, the size and nature of which depend on the stability of the geological environment to the technogenic impact, determined by a complex of natural conditions inherent in it. Garbage removal to landfills without further waste processing is dangerous for the environment [14].
As a result of non-compliance with hygienic requirements of landfills for solid domestic waste (including food waste), as well as the unsatisfactory organization of the planned sanitary cleaning of territories of settlements in the area of waste disposal, microbiological contamination of soil is formed.
In Europe, in contrast to our country, the technologies of waste processing are widespread, from which secondary raw materials or compost can be obtained.
The leader in recycling household waste is Germany. The most waste is incinerated in Sweden and Switzerland. At the same time for energy purposes among European countries the lowest indicators are observed in Denmark, Belgium and Luxembourg [15].
In Europe, the system of waste sorting by the population practically does not work. In populated areas in multi-storey residential buildings (more than 5 floors) there are garbage chutes. Mobile and stationary containers are traditionally used to receive household waste. The containers are equipped with asphalted or concreted platforms in the open air.
Thus, the main difficulty on the way to recycling MSW is the absence in our country, including in the city of Dalmatovo, the system of separate waste collection, which is an inevitable condition for their deep processing. For successful waste management, experience, mechanisms and technologies of foreign countries should be taken into account. The educational work with the population is also of great importance.
Foreign analysts believe that the solution of the problem of MSW processing depends on the following interrelated aspects. Firstly, the volume of wastes per capita is constantly growing; secondly, wastes are becoming more and more dangerous for people and the environment due to constant changes in their composition; thirdly, the population begins to have a negative attitude to dumps; fourthly, standards of MSW handling are constantly tightened and legislatively regulated; fifthly, the waste management becomes more complicated: the price of processing is constantly growing, therefore collection and processing of MSW requires significant material investment; sixthly, new technologies of processing of solid waste are appearing.
According to foreign researchers, the problem of MSW recycling requires a comprehensive approach to its solution. Thus, in the 1980s they began to build waste incineration plants, but this method of recycling required significant costs. In addition, the incineration of waste produces toxic ash, which is more dangerous than the waste itself, and requires additional costs for recycling [9].
The economic side of the issue is related to the fact that the population must pay for recycling. In North America and Europe MSW recycling is carried out taking into account all environmental requirements and costs more than 100 dollars per ton. It should be noted that the introduction of payment for recycling has different consequences. Creation of specialized enterprises that will be responsible for sorting, recycling and disposal of waste in this case is most appropriate.
The high price for waste processing paid by companies and enterprises creates an opportunity for effective management of this process. For example, in many developed countries the amount of payments directly depends on the amount of waste generated. Thus, in order to pay less, companies begin to reduce the amount of waste, organize the collection and recycling of secondary resources and recyclables. At the same time, too high fees for waste disposal leads to the appearance of illegal landfills [16] .
The integrated waste management system is based on the following principle: a product becomes garbage only when it is mixed with other products in the waste garbage can. Therefore, the sorting of household waste into separate fractions is the main stage in the complex of measures aimed at minimizing the formation of MSW.
There are two options for the implementation of this stage:
- 1.creation of waste-sorting enterprises. According to foreign experts, this process is complicated by the fact that some materials (construction and bottled glass, packaging made of plastic and paper at the same time) are difficult to separate. Of course, it is possible to achieve high-quality fractional separation of MSW, but it will require high labor and material costs.
- 2.Sorting of garbage by the population at the source of its formation. This option is considered more acceptable because:
- The total costs imposed on the community are reduced;
- expenditures of the city budget are minimized;
- direct participation in the sorting of waste by the population creates an incentive to reduce MSW.
Of course, any of the ways to solve the problem of waste involves the participation of federal, regional and local authorities. It is also necessary to create a specialized center for waste collection and sorting, which will carry out constant and timely removal of MSW. It is very important that the policy of such a center does not exclude the local population from participation in the programs, then the percentage of their activity will increase significantly. For example, in the USA and some European countries they use the option of waste collection at the roadside: residents leave their garbage near the house in special bags, which after a while are collected by a specially designed vehicle.
Such programs are implemented both on a voluntary and mandatory basis (for example, in Germany). Nevertheless, it is very important to get the public to recognize a particular waste management program. Only then we can expect its active participation in this complex process[15].
Previously, the MSW management system was reduced to the organization of waste collection, its subsequent transportation and disposal. However, in recent years, due to the intensive development of the packaging industry and other objective reasons, the morphological composition of household waste has changed significantly, which should automatically entail a change in the algorithm of this system.
At the same time, the existing approaches to waste management either consider one of the elements of the entire waste management system, or do not fully take into account environmental and economic aspects of MSW handling.
The following elements are distinguished in the waste management system (taking into account the priorities): 1) waste generation; 2) collection and temporary accumulation (storage); 3) reception and sorting; 4) reloading; 5) processing and neutralization; 6) burial. It should be noted that the effectiveness of the decisions made on each element has a positive or negative impact on the whole MSW management system[17].
It is advisable to develop the MSW management system in two stages[18].
- 1. Determination (specification) of norms of accumulation of MSW generated in the housing stock and in public organizations (schools, hospitals, etc.).
- 2.Development of a general scheme of territory cleaning in accordance with the "Methodological recommendations on the order of development of general schemes of cleaning of territories of settlements of the Russian Federation" (MDK 7-01.2003) on the basis of actual norms of waste accumulation.
The actual norms of waste accumulation (determined for a given period of time) are the basis for the development of the MSW management system. Taking into account the tendency to increase the volume of MSW accumulation, the work on determining the norms of accumulation in Russian cities is necessary for making correct managerial technical and economic and technical-ecological decisions when creating a management system in a particular locality [19].
The collection and temporary accumulation (storage) of wastes should be considered as the most important element of the system, influencing other elements and being the basis of formation of the waste management system. Depending on the decisions made at this stage, the need for sorting and its volume, technologies of processing, neutralization and disposal of waste, transport flows are selected.
In order to ensure effective collection and temporary accumulation (storage) of waste, various types of containers are used, the most common of which are (along with traditional ones) buried containers and containers for separate collection.
- 1) Underground containers. The distinctive features of these containers include the following: large volume, aesthetic appearance, the possibility of saving urban areas and efficiency when used in parks, squares, pedestrian streets. At the same time, these containers require mandatory availability of a lid and the use of special equipment for emptying the containers, do not allow to collect bulky garbage (KGM), difficult to clean (washing). In addition, the use of such containers is associated with restrictions on the places of placement, can lead to "protrusion" of soil. Often it is difficult to remove waste from such containers due to the large mass of the waste. Buried containers are usually not sealed tightly, which leads to the formation of liquid inside the cylinder. And, finally, they are notable for their high cost [20].
- 2) Containers for separate waste collection. The distinctive features of these containers include: ensuring pre-sorting of waste, attractive appearance, the need to fence the container site and service only by specialized equipment (rear loading), which must return the containers to their original position. The use of these containers requires significant additional effort on the part of the population (separation by components, reducing the size of the waste). In addition, the containers are equipped with inconvenient openings for waste collection (these openings do not include bags of waste) and have a low capacity [21].
The above-mentioned containers solve to some extent only a part of the issues arising at the stage of collection and temporary accumulation (storage).
In any case, it is most expedient (both economically and environmentally) to implement separate waste collection exactly at the stage of collection and accumulation of MSW for the following reasons:
- clean secondary resources, collected at the stage of collection, are immediately sent to the places of further processing;
- recyclable resources can be removed by almost any vehicle, not only garbage trucks;
- waste sorting at this stage is the cheapest.
In this regard, it should be noted that modern garbage trucks have a high rate of compaction of waste, so after transporting mixed waste in them can be sorted, as a rule, no more than 7% of recyclables.
- 1) the problem of waste management has become global nowadays and its effective solution becomes a decisive factor of society sustainable development in terms of ecological safety and natural systems preservation;
- 2) Waste management goes beyond a purely technological issue and is essentially a complex problem, covering all key aspects of sustainable development - ecological, resource-saving, economic and social;
- in developed countries, waste management is an integral part of environmental policy and is carried out in three strategic directions:
- Creating conditions to prevent and reduce waste generation and its danger to the environment and human health;
- Ensuring increase in waste recycling volumes;
- Creating environmentally safe conditions at all stages of waste management;
- Positive experience has been accumulated in the EU countries in implementing EWC with respect to packaging waste: a high level of waste recycling has been achieved (more than 50% by mass), which has led to a reduction in the amount of waste disposed of in landfills;
- Qualitative improvement of the environmental condition of urban areas largely depends on the properly chosen concept of MSW management, a necessary element of which is the active participation of local authorities and all population groups;
- The priority option of urban life support is recognized as improvement of waste management systems aimed at reducing the flows of landfilled MSW through the involvement of resource-valuable fractions in processing and recycling;
- Europe in the formation of the concept of management and programs of action with any waste should be guided by the principles of the generally accepted hierarchy of priorities of MSW, taking into account local conditions and resources.
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